We Welcome Everyone

It doesn't matter to us at all if you own llamas, want to own llamas, or just think following our lives and the antics and thoughts of our llamas (as told by ME of course), we welcome you to little snips of our lives.

More of the flavor of the world is scattered in bits and pieces throughout my rare blog postings, and I welcome thoughts.

You can find more about us and our llamas on our home web page at Roads End Llamas.

If you want to reach me privately feel free to drop a line.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Llama Shearing Begins

No pictures, no video (at least not yet), but the shearing starts today. This is later by far than past years, but I tend to be cautious when guessing when winter has decided to end.

Actually this year I could have pretended it was time to shear in February, with warm weather the rule this year rather than the exception, but then came March with rain, and April with surprisingly colder than usual weather. We even had chain laws in effect for some of the mountain passes separating western and eastern Washington during the first week of May!!

So.... today I start with the shearing ritual. It is a fun time and I generally take my time. I may do 4 or 5 llamas on any given day, depending on my mood (and of course THEIRS). The rule around here is no muss no fuss, no massive tying up or even (take a deep breath) chutes. We have them, but our gang just all goes pretty much with the flow. And this is a shot of what I mean by go with the flow from our own beloved Cayan, who defines the word "mellow".

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