We Welcome Everyone

It doesn't matter to us at all if you own llamas, want to own llamas, or just think following our lives and the antics and thoughts of our llamas (as told by ME of course), we welcome you to little snips of our lives.

More of the flavor of the world is scattered in bits and pieces throughout my rare blog postings, and I welcome thoughts.

You can find more about us and our llamas on our home web page at Roads End Llamas.

If you want to reach me privately feel free to drop a line.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Llamas and Coffee Coffee everywhere but apparently not a drop worth drinking

Starbucks, one of the great landmarks of Seattle history in the making has been working on 're-inventing' itself.
I'm just a plain coffee addict, as long as it has caffeine and is somewhat simple, I'll drink it. I'm not a great fu-fu coffee drinker, but when I'm out in the pastures, you can be SURE I will be getting odd looks from the llamas when I'm not walking around with a coffee cup in my hand.
In fact, you could almost have the equivalent of an easter egg hunt wandering around the property hunting for coffee cups left hanging around on a fence post or two, or three or ten!

My daughter even works part time as a Starbucks barrista while she is attending college, so no offense to her intended but if this 'less than favorable review' is even close to accurate, I think I'll just stick with my gut rot folgers thank you very much.

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